- Academically & Intellectually Gifted (AIG)
Definition of Gifted
“Gifted individuals are those who demonstrate outstanding levels of aptitude (defined as an exceptional ability to reason and learn) or competence (documented performance or achievement in the top 10% or rarer) in one or more domains. Domains include any structured area of activity within its own symbol (e.g. mathematics, music, language) and/or set of sensorimotor skills (e.g. painting, dance, sports),"
National Association of Gifted Children’s (NAGC) Definition of Giftedness.
22-25 RSS AIG Plan and Parent Handbook
Meet the AIG Team
K-3 Nurturing Program
Nurturing Round 1
During nurturing lessons, students learn about and practice using critical thinking skills. View the list below to see the thinking skill each grade level focused on and a brief description of each grade level’s activity.
3rd- CogAT prep: Students learned about verbal analogies, verbal classifications and sentence completion in preparation for the Cognitive Abilities Test they will take in the fall. Students practiced these skills by completing analogy puzzles in partners.
4th/5th Grade Enrichment Pull-Out
Modified Pull Out
AIG students in grades 4-5 will participate in a modified pull-out group(s) according to their area or area(s) of identification. Students may be served in the areas of reading, math, and/or intellectual giftedness (IG). Parents received a letter from the AIG Area Lead Teacher explaining this opportunity. Please see below for a brief explanation of each group.
Students will make connections around word meaning and practice critical text analysis in varied formats.
Students will develop and practice critical thinking skills to deepen understanding of new concepts, represent complex, real world problems visually and draw logical conclusions.
Intellectually Gifted (IG):
Students who receive IG support scored in the 96th percentile or above on an aptitude screener. IG students often benefit from problem-solving and collaborating with peers. This year students will develop interpersonal skills of creativity, leadership, teamwork, work ethic and communication through questioning and collaborative activities.
*At the end of the year, students will participate in a school and/or district-based culminating event.
AIG Parent Resources
RSS AIG Parent Wakelet
2024-2025 Newsletters
Archived 2023-2024 Newsletters
Archived Newsletters from 2022-2023
Saturday Enrichment Event Opportunities
Don't miss out on our upcoming AIG Department Enrichment Events for the 2024-2025 school year. Check back soon to see the full list of what the AIG department is offering this year!
AIG Department Enrichment Events 2024-2025
Summer Enrichment Opportunities
Summer Camp Catalog
Governor's School Opportunity
The North Carolina Governor’s School is a multi-week residential summer program for gifted and talented high school students. Students are invited to apply during the fall of their sophomore or junior years and are notified of their acceptance/non-acceptance in early spring. Students spend four weeks on a North Carolina college campus where they live, go to class with content-expert teachers, and experience life as independent learners. Courses range from fine and performing arts to highly advanced academic disciplines. Information about this year's Governor’s School is published and available online. All high school guidance departments have been updated with the most current information.
For more information on the North Carolina Governor’s School, visit the DPI website or contact Brian O’Shea, AIG Lead Teacher for Secondary Schools (osheabp@rss.k12.nc.us).