
  • Volunteers are an integral part of the Rowan-Salisbury Schools outlook on serving our students.  Parents that get involved early in their children's education see more pronounced and longer lasting results.  Benefits for students include: earning better grades, scoring higher on tests, attending school more regularly, having better social skills and having a more positive overall attitude toward school.   

    We have two tiers of volunteers. Tier I is required to submit a volunteer registration, background screening and the volunteer interest formIf you do not have a smart phone, please use this link for the background screening.  Tier II is required to complete the Tier I process along with attending a volunteer training session.  Training sessions will be advertised closer to the beginning of the school year.  You can attend a training session with Communities in Schools or at a Rowan-Salisbury Schools session, as they are reciprocal.   

    If you need assistance with the background screening, please email howardag@rss.k12.nc.us.

    Please click Communities in Schools Rowan for upcoming training dates and times.

    The volunteer process is usually completed within 1-2 weeks.